Managing Your Country Club with Efficiency and Efficacy
For centuries together, people have enjoyed spending their leisure time engaging in various club activities and living in it. This also gave them opportunities to interact and befriend various new people from across the globe, increasing their social network. This country club lifestyle slowly became fond and popularized with every passing year, giving rise to the business of country club management.
How do they function?
A country club contains various amenities such as tennis, fitness, food & beverage, lodging, homeowners associations, and more, serving as a mode of relaxation and entertainment. The management here focuses on creating an exceptional experience for the members and guests of the club by delivering superior service, amenities, and playing surfaces.
Club management services
Country clubs are known to provide various services, a few of which are as follows-
- Agronomy- encourages the use of organic, eco-friendly compounds while maintaining turf health
- Procurement- Procures items such as maintenance equipment, golf cars, food & beverage supplies, etc at a negotiated market price for clients
- Finance and accounting- helps coordinate accounting, payroll, and financial reporting, without the use of consultants
- Design and development- They work with golf course designers, clubhouse architects, and other professionals involved in the development process
- Racquet sport- encourage the playing and promotion of racquet sports such as tennis, badminton, etc
- Community association management- Provides HOA management services to communities to help manage the daily operations of the community and benefit residents
- Food and beverage- They customize the dining and menu of each club according to the respective clubs, be it a private, resort, or daily fee.
Other services
Apart from the above-mentioned services, country clubs also provide and perform functions such as-
- Management of events such as weddings, birthdays, and similar celebrations
- Maintaining a good ambiance of the place
- Organizing various classes and workshops, and arranging for occasion gatherings and gala dinners, etc
To conclude with, a country club management plays a crucial role in the up-keep of the club and its liveliness. They’ll ensure that the club efficiency and efficacy is maintained by performing all the mentioned services, making their clients happy.